Oh I am so pleased with the site I just finished, and delighted that my client, Alice LaMoree, is too! She’s already gotten sweet feedback ranging from YUUUMMMYYY!!! to “Elegant and Professional”. That puts a smile on my face today. We began this site quite some time ago, but as we all know, “Life Happens” sometimes. It happened to Alice after creating a lovely design for the site, so we had to put further development on hold for a while. Recently she found the time to put together the resources I would need to complete her site and she had put so much time into thinking about the remaining presentation that it came together easily and was smoooth sailing through to the end. I invite you to check out her site, not just to review my design but to enjoy the beautiful photographic images she now has displayed in three different galleries! I just love her creative eye and hope that you will find one you like so much that you’ll consider a purchase…www.rioquerencia.com